Friday 16 January 2009

Welcome to the world, Hungriest Hippo!

Well, as my 32nd birthday celebrations wind down, it seems fitting that this day should also see the birth of my foodie blog, something I've been impatient to try for a while now. Since my whole life seems to be dominated by food – in a wholesome, not-at-all worrying way, of course – a blog seems like the most natural progression of a lifelong obsession. Not for nothing, it seems, were Baking and Cooking the only two badges I managed to acquire over two years in the Girl Guides. Years later, as a restaurant reviewer, food-and-drink editor and enthusiastic dinner-party hostess, I spend most of my waking hours thinking about food. And a lot of my sleeping ones too.

And so, even if I'm the only person who ever looks at this, I don't mind. It just seems like a fun idea to have my food creations (well, perhaps only the successful ones) recorded for me to look back on as the months - and hopefully years - slip by. Perhaps I'll throw in some restaurant reviews and photos too. Perhaps I'll meet some like-minded souls along the way. Perhaps I'll get very fat through the whole process – who knows. Let's just hope it's fun.

Bon appetit!

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